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Equipment Identification Tips In Construction


When working on-site, it isn't surprising that with so many pieces of equipment around, some can get confused, and it can be challenging to identify specific components. On-site, it is a commonplace for many pieces of equipment to either get damaged or be subjected to significant amounts of wear and tear regularly. This is why it is crucial to identify specific pieces of equipment, including what has been used, damaged and is still in top condition.

Tagging your equipment can help you in many ways, including logistics, safety and quality control. It is also the best way to keep all equipment easily identifiable and ensure no damaged equipment is actively used on the job.

Identifying the correct equipment is essential, and our tips may help make your life easier when organising your equipment. In this article, we will discuss recommendations and tricks that you can use to tag and correctly identify specific pieces of working equipment and how you can avoid confusion or misuse of any potentially damaged equipment.

Equipment Identification Tips

● Always Use Reference Numbers

When tagging your equipment, the worst thing you can do is forget to place individual reference numbers for each piece of equipment on your tags. By utilising reference numbers on your equipment tags, you enable both yourself and your workers to keep track of each piece of equipment. You can monitor their condition and whether they are okay to be used.

Reference numbers make accuracy and efficiency when tracking your inventory a much easier task, streamlining the process of separating equipment and organising any necessary repairs. Reference numbers remove the guesswork from deciding which equipment is being referred to, instead keeping any relevant information with an exact piece of equipment.

● Prioritise frequently used equipment

Tagging your equipment, especially on-site, can be a seriously time-consuming task with all of the individual pieces of equipment available. It can take a long time to tag all pieces of equipment, but it is always good to know where you should start in the process. Our small tip is to prioritise the equipment used most frequently on-site.

Equipment used most frequently will likely be subjected to higher levels of wear and tear, making it more likely to become damaged. With tagging being a major contributor to maintaining the quality and condition of equipment, this is the best way to keep on top of equipment maintenance and tracking of inspections.

By tagging the most frequently used equipment first, you allow time to tag the less frequently used equipment. You also have the peace of mind that all important equipment regularly used is being monitored and its condition accounted for.

● Use appropriate tags

Okay, we understand this sounds really obvious, but using the correct tags for your specific piece of equipment is crucial to keep tabs on your equipment. There are countless tags, and it can be easy to get confused about which tags to use if you are new to the process. The best advice we can give you here is to ensure that you research the right tags and that the appropriate tags are used.

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to identify which tags you require for individual pieces of equipment, we can help! Take a look through our Stock Tags categorised for different types of equipment, and keep the process quick and simple for yourself! Using our tags, you create a simple process with all the hard work, including what to put on the tag and which tag to use; already done for you!

● Standardise your tagging process

When beginning to tag your equipment, finding a tagging method that works for you and your team is always the best practice to maximise efficiency and effectiveness. It is always best to find this method early in the tagging process, as this can help make tagging equipment quicker and more accurate as you progress.

Suppose you're creating a standard practice of tagging within your construction company. In this case, you make an easy-to-follow method that will slash the time it will take to tag all equipment on-site. This also instils the tagging process into your workers and means the process will advance seamlessly into the future of your business. This will become a mainstay with regular inspections taking place on equipment.

Doing this allows a more straightforward process of inventory management and quality control of company equipment, instilling a culture of high quality into your business and workforce.

Start your tagging process today

Tagging equipment using the tips provided can revolutionise your business's inventory and quality management. Knowing how and where to start when tagging your equipment can be a challenge. If you have any questions about our wide range of tags or want to learn more about the tags you require, get in touch! Our tagging experts are more than happy to answer all your questions and help you take the first step toward a more efficient and organised construction site.

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